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Reader's Digest Australia 10.5.6
No wonder this is the world's most widely read magazine.Hard-hitting, thought-provoking and entertaining, withunforgettable stories in each issue. This magazine is packed withfeatures short enough to read in one sitting, but stimulatingenough to keep you thinking for days. Every month millions ofpeople get inspired, informed and entertained by its wide varietyof stories about people, health, humour, adventures and worldevents, written by the best local and international journalists.All the stories are fact checked to the smallest details to ensurethat readers get the most accurate and truthful stories, makingReader’s Digest the world’s most trusted magazine.
Reader's Digest Asia English 1.4.6
The world's most widely read magazine
Reader's Digest Chinese 2.0.6
Reader's Digest, the most read magazine in the world
Reader's Digest New Zealand 1.6.6
The world's most widely read magazine